Friends of Lefty
Kreh Donor Wall
Lead Sponsor
Ausherman Foundation
Delaplaine Foundation
Tourism Council of Frederick
Morgan Keller Inc.
Maryland State Arts Council
Maryland Legislative Bond Initiative
Brotherhood of the JC
Richard D. Costlow, in Memoriam
Paul Crum Family
Randall Family Foundation
Tarpon Caye Belize
Dennis Allen
Hunter Banks Company
David Belcher
Cross Current Insurance/Rollin Schuster
Larry Daulbaugh & Claudette Boudreaux
W Dawson Inc.
Chrisman Photography
Robert & Elizabeth Fisher
Tibor Ted Juracsik
Wayne & Carol Leadbetter
Steve Lochbaum
Andy Mekelburg
The Neuland Family
Jack Nicklaus Family
Precision Fly and Tackle
Jim and Yvonne Reinsch
Renzetti Inc
Wes Seigler
John & Heather Templeton
Temple Fork Outfitters
George Klein
Ed Hall
Richard Krantz
Brett Bittle
Richard Loose
Miller Watson/Hunter Banks
Thomas Wherry
Steve Hays
J. Clarke Lee
Friend A-F
William Anderson
Lee Avirett
Richie and Carol Bancells
Kevin Basso
Taylor Basso
J.D. Benner
Don Beveridge
Jean Blank
Forbes Burgess
Rusty Chinnis
Betsy Clark
Owen Connor
Don Court
Daniel Cowan
Bruce Dagostino
Owen Davis
Scott Dennis
Katie Downs
Michael Durant
George Eash
Charles Eirkson
Craig Falk
Don Fine
Patricia Fritz
Andrew Frutiger
Friend G-L
Timothy Gibian
Frank Gravino
Jack Greiner
Dennis Grizzle
Russ Hanson
Larry Harnish
Devin Ross Herd
Peggy Hetrick
Ronnie Hines
Jeffrey Hurwitz
Elmer Jantz
Larry Jensen
Robert Keane
Patrick Keegan
Michael King
Richard Kline
Donald Kohler
Betty Kreh
Walter Lachenmayr
Bill Lebherz
J. Tony Liera
Wesley Litton
George T. Loose
Friend M-Z
Tim Maxam
Jo Mcmonnies
Cory Mekelburg
John Miller
Michael Misulia Jr
Tom Moreland
Patrick Muldowney
Jodi Murphy
Jonathon Nash
Dan Neuland
John Olexa
Ray Ouellette
Owls Club 4002
Christian Pedersen
Theodore Pelletier
Albert Perrino
Brenda & Raymond Philiippon
Robert Pietschmann
Frank Polinik
Potomac Valley Fly Fishers
John Punola
James Raders
Brian Ropp
Thomas Rossi
Ed Rudisill
Curtis Saunders
Brad Shropshire
Frederick Smith
Richard Smith
Paul Stone
LG Tackett
Michael Thomson
James Turner
Steve Weinstein
Chandler Woodcock